Orienge Business Solutions Catalog

The key goal of Orienge is to bring new opportunities to business owners and managers with ready-to-use and affordable business solutions. The company is presently offering powerful Conterra-based solutions for managing records and contracts, approved and tested accounts payable automation software, as well as advanced software aimed at HR management and quality management.

The catalog of Orienge business solutions currently includes:

  • Orienge Solution for Accounts Payable Automation. Conterra Financial Information Management (Conterra FIM) allows organizations to streamline business processes related to accounts and invoices, from document capture to the final payment. Organizations also benefit from improved invoice visibility and accelerated processing, as well as greater enforcement of financial and legal compliance regulations with a comprehensive record of every transaction. Read Conterra FIM FAQ
  • Orienge Records Management. The solution is designed to streamline processes and automate manual user and administrator activities throughout the entire record lifecycle. While enhancing the whole system of records management, the solution prevents ineffective use of working hours, and eliminates risks of document loss or fraud.
  • Orienge Contract Management. The solution helps organizations to avoid many costly pitfalls such as an endless process of contract review and approval, risks of document loss, or unauthorized document change. The solution is designed to improve key business processes related to contract management.
  • Orienge HR Processes Management. The solution is aimed at automating HR management processes and workflows, implementing personnel policies, and enhancing personnel work transparency. This HR management software is intended for an effective organization of processes related to recruitment, hiring, training, transfer and retirement of the staff.
  • Orienge Meeting Management. The solution is designed to make all meeting-related processes transparent, manageable, and controllable. This meeting software ensures a shared procedure for the whole company, makes meeting planning and running more efficient, and decision execution easier-to-track.
  • Orienge Quality Management. The solution allows quality specialists to plan and carry out internal audits, detect and deal with inconsistencies, take corrective and preventive actions, analyze consumers’ satisfaction, provide objective data for analyzing the system functioning. The solution enables top managers to control and analyze the management system as a whole, and take successful managerial decisions.

Depending on customer’s needs and regardless of the content management lifecycle, any Conterra-based solution can be built.

Read Orienge Case Studies