Orienge Conterra Technology Stack

Conterra components are seamlessly integrated into one smart ECM suite. This approach provides a robust, scalable, affordable solution for small, medium, and large enterprises.


Conterra Components

Orienge Conterra is an enterprise-level set of components characterized by the following key features:

  • Conterra components are tied into one smart Enterprise Content Management (ECM) suite. They are initially designed to work together with no extra integration.
  • Conterra is designed to comprehensively fulfill the ECM concept automating the whole content management cycle, from capture to delivery.
  • Due to its module structure, Conterra can be implemented by modules. It means that you begin with core modules and extend the system functionality if/ when necessary. There is no need to overpay for what you do not plan to use at the moment.
  • Conterra platform is designed to meet both SMB and enterprise-level customer needs. Companies get powerful and scalable BPM software to boost their business processes, and a full-functional Enterprise Content Management system to address standard or unique business challenges.
  • Any customized ECM solution can be built, regardless of the content management lifecycle, organization’s size and line of business.

Platform and Services

Platform and Services are the fundamentals of Orienge Conterra. This layer comprises IS-Builder, storages and services, as well as client applications.


IS-Builder is the core element of Conterra and a powerful middleware that allows clients to run Conterra off the shelf as well as customize the system for highly specific organizational processes. IS-Builder, inclusive of a variety of powerful services, forms the Conterra platform which provides the system basic functionality.


Orienge Conterra works with two types of storages: DBMS (Database Management System) for basic requirements; and, File Storage for large sized objects (multimedia data, blueprints, etc.).


Conterra provides a full offering of robust functionality, including: workflow management, document capture, document transformation, document storage.

Web Access and Client Applications

Conterra supports users wherever and however they need to work: in the office, remotely, or on their tablets or smartphones, etc. Whether the information is needed at the desk or on the go, Conterra understands and supports these requirements.

Core ECM Modules

Orienge Conterra’s core ECM infrastructure allows users to perform basic and most common document management, workflow management, and business process management tasks, while forming the basis for more tailored solutions.

Document Management

Conterra’s Document Management module supports the full document lifecycle. Conterra allows you to take advantage of tremendous efficiencies in the creation, classification, manipulation, retention, and finally, disposition of your documents. This results in significant potential time savings, increased productivity, and increased profitability for your organization.

Business Process Management

The Business Process Management module offers you a powerful, flexible, customizable workflow solution with a number of unique capabilities.

Key Performance Indicators Management

Conterra’s KPI Management Module is so impressive you will quickly see why it is the dashboard reporting tool to have. You can slice and dice your key information to answer all your questions, provide critical insight, and empower managers.

Business Solutions

Orienge provides new opportunities to business owners and managers through cost effective “plug and play” Conterra-based business solutions.

Each business solution is designed to address a specific mission-critical business challenge such as records management or contract management. Designed from the user viewpoint, Conterra-based solutions avoid the pitfalls of a “universal solution.” Each solution provides users the tools to address the task in a shorter than otherwise normal time frame, with potential cost savings and with a high degree of accuracy.

While these robust Conterra-based solutions are ready to go, they can be further customized for any highly specialized needs. Other solutions can be built as well.

  • Challenge Us to get your individual working prototype solution.